Изборник Затворити

Cheap Wireless Lavalier Microphone Cracked Inside

Скраћена веза: https://pedja.supurovic.net/veza/10905

Wireles Lavalier Microphone - Packaging

Widely on the net this microphone is recommended as good for its price. So I got one, and I got quite disappointed. Well it does work but quality of the audio is not great. It has noise reduction turned on all the time (no option to turn it off) and it greatly degrades audio. Not that audio quality is reduced but it also makes it choppy, if you speak bit quieter.

It could be usable in some situations like outdoors recording where external noise covers a bit usable audio so degradation is less noticeable but there is another, more limiting issue: rechargeable battery in microphone lasts less than one hour. […]
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Proxmox, DHCP, Multicast DNS

Скраћена веза: https://pedja.supurovic.net/veza/10901

There is a rule that server machines should always be on static IP. Proxmox is designed in that manner. You are supposed to manually set IP. I am not fond of that approach. Yes, IP should be static, but I prefer to assign IP using DHCP.

Fro some reason Proxmox does not have installed support for Multicast DNS. THat means zou have to access it using IP or assign domain to IP to access it by domain. You cannot use host name to access it using Multicast DNS request. I like to use Multicast DNS.

Dynamic configuration is helpful, when I have to set up device in my localnetwork but them move it to other network where it would be used. […]
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Setting up self hosted RustDesk server on Windows

Скраћена веза: https://pedja.supurovic.net/veza/10515

RustDesk remote desktop

RustDesk (https://rustdesk.com/ , https://github.com/rustdesk ) is Open source virtual/remote desktop software like TeamViewer or AnyKey. It is on par with them in functionality, except that RustDesk is Open software, meaning free. It gains large popularity, as it does job well, and especially because commercial alternatives became unreasonably expensive unacceptable for noncommercial or low profile use.

Actually, there is one more big difference – You can host RustDesk on your own. This makes you independent from third parties. It makes it even more favorable.

Author of RustDesk actually recommends using self hosted servers for simple reason – public servers that are available, and free to use, actually do cost money. […]
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PDFToBooklet 1.4 released

Скраћена веза: https://pedja.supurovic.net/veza/9013

PDFToBooklet version 1.4 is released. It is mostly cosmetic updates of user interface. You may download it now. Update procedure is is simple, just unpack files to directory where previous installation is placed. Remember to exit PDF2Booklet if it is running.

PDFToBooklet is simple application that rearranges ready made PDF document to make it suitable for stacked booklet printing. Stacked booklet printing is different that ordinary booklet printing provided by most graphical applications.

Classical booklet print requires lots of planning before printing and lots of manual labor after printing: cutting pages and arranging them in book form. […]
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Firefox кутије за вишеструко пријављивање на сајтове

Скраћена веза: https://pedja.supurovic.net/veza/8962

Након дужег времена тестирања у Фајерфокс је коначно за стално убачена опција кутија (Containers). Њена намена је да омогући кориснику да потпуно изолује отворене странице, практично, као да сте отворили различите веб читаче.

Ова опција је намењена пре свега за повећање степена приватности, али ја сам препознао једну веома практичну примену – сад могу да се на исти сајт пријавим из Фајерфокса више пута, користећи различита корисничка имена.

За свакодневну употребу ово и није тако важно, али када радите веб развој ово је прилично корисна ствар.

Такође може бити корисно ако, на пример, треба да на Фејсбуку користите више налога. […]
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Како разликовати БНЦ конектор за 50 и 75 ома?

Скраћена веза: https://pedja.supurovic.net/veza/8930

БНЦ конектор је један од ретких који се израђује у верзији за импедансу од 50 ома и импедансу од 75 ома. За неке примене врло је важно користити одговарајући конектор. Када купујете конектор лако је, купите онај који вам треба, али шта ако имате конектор коме не знате карактеристике?

Погледајте како је направљен. Конектор од 50 ома садржи прстен од изолујућег материјала док 75-омски конектор то нема.

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