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Setting up self hosted RustDesk server on Windows

RustDesk remote desktop

RustDesk (https://rustdesk.com/ , https://github.com/rustdesk ) is Open source virtual/remote desktop software like TeamViewer or AnyKey. It is on par with them in functionality, except that RustDesk is Open software, meaning free. It gains large popularity, as it does job well, and especially because commercial alternatives became unreasonably expensive unacceptable for noncommercial or low profile use.

Actually, there is one more big difference – You can host RustDesk on your own. This makes you independent from third parties. It makes it even more favorable.

Author of RustDesk actually recommends using self hosted servers for simple reason – public servers that are available, and free to use, actually do cost money. […]
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Како одсвирати Повратак отписаних на клавијатури

Повратак отписаних је култна серија. И данас је препознатљива музика коју је за њу написао Миливоје Мића Петковић. Овде можете видети ноте:

Па и како се свира на клавијатури.

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