Izbornik Zatvoriti

WCW2014 – World Castles Weekend in Uzice, Serbia

It was just several days before this year world Castle Weekend that I decided to participate by activating one of the fortresses in surroundings of my hometown Užice. Actually, I was targeted to activate YU-0030, Fortress of Solotnik, as it was never activated before and thus should be more interesting for WCA hunters.


As I still did not have all necessary equipment and tools I asked for a help of Milan YU1ZZ. As experienced contester he was up to the task, ready to improvise if necessary. One short phone call settled it down. Milan is primarily high class contester and DXer, but it seemed to me that he is actually seeking for something fresh and more relaxing, and he was really interested in my previous activation of Old fortress in Uzice (YU-00023). […]
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Google smarač

Otkako sam, pre nekog vremena, preselio domen sa guglovog na drugi registar, tako je počelo smaranje i zastrašivanje putem imejla.

Do sada su najbolje bile poruke kojima su me opominjali da treba da im platim za produženje registracije domena, što je van pameti, jer domen je na drugom registru i, naravno, da je plaćeno sve što treba.

Ipak, uspeli su da sami sebe prevaziđu. Danas mi je stiglo ovo:

google bullying

Šta reći, kakvu poruku poslati? Možda da napišem članak o tome zašto sam preselio domen na drugi registar?

Možda bih ovo mogao da upotrebim kao dokaz da posedujem najstariji registrovani domen, registro nego što su domeni i izmišljeni? […]
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W6CCP – The King of Impoliteness

Today just past 17:00 UTC at 14214 kHz I witnessed behavior of  ham radio operator W6CCP that was as rude as it could get.

Saddiq A41KJ was on the frequency calling CQ, and had big pile-up from European stations. He was called all over but handling situation nicely and getting through the list of stations calling him.

Then, out from nowhere, W6CCP came out, obviously with very high power, screaming on top of all other callers for Saddiq to turn to long pass to North America. He was so powerful that he out-called all stations in pile-up. He gave fine report for A41KJ but insisted for him to turn to long pass. […]
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