Izbornik Zatvoriti

36V CNC Spindle Motor Driver

Hobby CNC machines are usually based on Arduino/Woodpecker CNC controllers with cheap motor drivers and 775 spindle motors. Motors are specified to run on 36V but CNC machines usually run it on 24V. That means motors run on slower speed than what they can do. Some controllers are able to run 36V but 24V power supplied are delivered with them. Newer Woodpecker CNC controllers are specified to run on 24V only.

Some specifications claim that 775 motor used for spindle runs at 3000-6000 rpm when powered at 24V and gets up to 9000 when powered at 36V. I wanted to run spindle at maximum possible speed for better milling results. […]
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ESP8266 Temperature and Humidity Web Service

After I successfuly tested HTTP server using Arduino and Ethernet Shield, I decided to try to accomplish the same thing using wireless connectivity. I decided to use ESP8266 on NodeMCU board. That is microcontroler with wireless interface all in one package, and quite low priced which makes it interesting for various purposes. I used the same temperature and humidity sensor DHT-22.

ESP8266 is supported within Arduino IDE which is big plus, as one can use the same development environment.

Soon I realized that popularity of this platform is well earned. It was very easy to set it up. Most of the trouble is setting up Arduino IDE to compile and upload to board. […]
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Arduino Temperature and Humidity Web Service

I needed simple device that is able to measure temperature and make it available for collecting that info from remote places via Internet. Arduino platform was the first thought and it ended up as expected: nice and simple.

For hardware I used Arduino UNO, Ethernet Shield and DHT22 Temperature and Humidity sensor.

Ethernet Shield pinpoint matches Arduino UNO so it is simply attached on top of it. It provides RJ45 connector for ethernet connection and SD card socket which I did not need for this small project.

All pins on Ethernet Shield are pass-through which means all Arduino pins are available on the this shield too. […]
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