I got myself ESP8266 Wireless module NodeMCU development board with CP2102 serial chip . It was advertised as original and with least problems of all NodeMCU versions.
I had nothing but problems trying to flash it with ESPHome Flashing Wizard (trying Tasmota was no better). Actually, issues were linked to CP2102 serial chip. One PC could not even recognize it when connected to USB. Other two did, but only after manual persuasion. And even than, flashing did not go through.
I finally managed to flash firmware by avoid using CP2102 at all and accessing ESP8266 chip directly. As I had other serial adapter, based on FT232RL FDTI232 USB to serial adapter I use for flashing ESPHome firmware to Sonoff devices, I build new adapter cable to connect it to ESP8266 bypassing serial interface on NodeMCU board. […]
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