Izbornik Zatvoriti

Morse Code Sound Machine

Wanted to create something that will introduce Morse Code to kids. It had to be simple and looking like a game, so I ended up with making Morse code Sound Machine.

Idea is that kids enter their names and then listen how it sounds in Morse Code and also Amateur Radio.

There is animation of sending Morse code and options to change speed and tone frequency. I guess that is enough to keep them interested for a while.

Application is written in plain JavaScript and can be run in any web browser.

Morse Code Sound Machine source code is available at GitHub. […]
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Obrazac za prijem telegrafije

Jedan od važnih elemenata učenja prijema Morzeove telegrafije je pisanje primljene poruke. To se po pravilu radi u tipskim obrascima za prijem telegrama. Obrazac sadrži tabelu sa po deset polja u jednom redu i deset takvih redova u koje se upisuje primljena poruka. Pored toga, sadrži i zaglavlje telegrama u koji se upisuju podaci o pošiljaocu, primaocu, vremenu slanja i prijema, hitnosti, broju reči…

Za potrebe vežbanja prijema telegrafije nije potreban potpun obrazac telegrama već samo tabela sa poljima. Napravio sam takvu tabelu koju možete odštampati i koristiti za vežbanje. Da bi se što više iskoristio prostor tabela ima 15 redova. […]
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Custom Morse Code for Mobile Phone Ring Tone

Wouldn’t it be awesome to have Morse Code playing instead of plain ringtone on your phone? You would know who calls without need to reach phone. Of course it would require you to have skill of recognizing Morse Code, but that is minor issue, right? If you do not know it yet, it can be learned. It’s great skill to have, anyways.

Well, there is simple tool that may help: Morse Code Generator . It creates audio file with sound of Morse Code using your custom text. Generated sound is nice sinusoidal tone, pleasant for ears.

What you do is type in text phrase, choose Morse Code speed and Tone frequency and click button Generate. […]
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Fast hand writing for receiving Morse code

Receiving Morse code is a challenge. It is achievable and there are operators that reached stunning skills of receiving Morse Code in very high speeds. One of the limitations is hand writing speed, thus most high skilled operators receive Morse Code „in head“. But sometimes you do have to write it down, right?

First helping technique that should and is learned along with learning Morse Code itself is optimal hand writing. This cuts number of strokes for each character which speeds up writing. Also it is important where strokes end to minimize movement between written characters.

This image shows one of the ways to optimize hand writing. […]
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Vežbajte otpremanje Morzeove telegrafije samo sa ručicom i računarom

Za usavršavanje tehnike otpremanja Morzeove telegrafije potrebno je odvojiti dosta vremena za vežbanje. Zgodno je ako to možete da radite kad god imate vremena.

Za to su vam potrebni ručni taster ili ručica i tonski generator. Taster i ručica se nabave (svaki radio-amater valjda to već ima) a kao tonski generator se obično koristi radio-stanica ili, ko se bavi elektronikom, može i da napravi.

Međutim, ako imate računar, on može takođe da završi posao. Postoji nekoliko programa koji rade kao tonski generatori a taster i ručicu na računar povezujete preko serijskog priključka na računaru.

MorseKeyer je jedan od takvih programa. On služi kao klasični ton generator za Morzeovu telegrafiju. […]
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