Izbornik Zatvoriti

CQ ili QRZ?

Često na radio-amaterskim frekvencijama čujem neobičnu praksu korišćenja QRZ? umesto CQ kada to baš i nije prigodno. Interesantno je da to ne rade samo operatori sa manje iskustva već i oni stariji i da se to dešava uglavnom u fonijskim vrstama rada.

Za početak, šta znače ove dve skraćenice:

– CQ je opšti poziv i bukvalno znači: pozivam sve stanice koje me čuju da mi se jave. Može se dopuniti i dodatnom informacijom koja sužava ciljanu grupu stanica, na primer CQ ASIA znači opšti poziv stanicama iz Azije. Ovo je veoma jasna instrukcija svim stanicama koje nisu iz Azije da vas ne zovu. […]
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YT9TP SOTA activation Bandera (Tornik, Zlatibor) – YU/ZS-023

26. July 2015. Finally, one modest temperature day came after two weeks of very hot weather in Serbia. I saw it as an opportunity to visit mountains and test slowly but steady gathered equipment for outdoors ham radio activities.

I decided to spend nice day activating highest peak of mountain Zlatibor, called Bandera , topping Tornik hill. With height of 1497 meters it dominates area and provides very nice see-sightings.

I asked Filip YT1PRO to join me. I guessed as he is quite fresh licensed operator he would be interested to see some action. And I was right. He did not think twice to agree. […]
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YT9TP portable ham radio activity from canyon of Veliki Rzav

18.07.2015. was set by meteorologists to be very hot day. That meant for me that I had to get away from city. My XYL requested that it has to be somewhere near cooling water. So we decided for canyon of Veliki Rzav, location near Roge village in vicinity of my city – Užice. You cannot do much better than canyoning on hot day, right?

Sitting in shade and doing nothing is not my style, so I packed my rig and equipment for portable operations to cut time.


I raised station few meters from river, equipment in tree shade and antenna in small open field few meters away. […]
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