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DS212/DSO212/DSO202 Oscilloscope Mini Stand 3D print

I needed stand for my DS212 oscilloscope. All I could find were too bulky, so I decided to design one. I posted it at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4347186

It is very small stand for DS212, DS02 or similar size oscilloscope or some other device. Part dimensions are 35 x 5 x 10 mm so it easy fits in any box or bag you use to carry osciloscope around.

Although You may use single stand it is more stable and practical to use two of them. Stand is tight enough to keep attached on device even if you lift it up.

Display is kept at 45 degree toward device user which is comfortable.

Print as you like. It does not need support. With 0.10 mm layer height it takes about 19 minutes to print.

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